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Class OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot

On this page

  • io.realm
  • Method Summary
  • Inherited Methods
  • Method Detail
  • createSnapshot
  • deleteAllFromRealm
  • deleteFirstFromRealm
  • deleteFromRealm
  • deleteLastFromRealm
  • freeze
  • isFrozen
  • isLoaded
  • load
  • size
  • sort
  • where

An OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot is a special type of OrderedRealmCollection . It can be created by calling OrderedRealmCollection.createSnapshot() . Unlike RealmResults and RealmList , its size and order of elements will never be changed after creation.

OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot is useful when making changes which may impact the size or order of the collection in simple loops. For example:

final RealmResults<Dog> dogs = realm.where(Dog.class).findAll();
final OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot<Dog> snapshot = dogs.createSnapshot();
final int dogsCount = snapshot.size(); // dogs.size() == snapshot.size() == 10
realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
for (int i = 0; i < dogsCount; i++) {
// This won't work since RealmResults is always up-to-date, its size gets decreased by 1 after every loop. An
// IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown after 5 loops.
// dogs.deleteFromRealm(i);
snapshot.deleteFromRealm(i); // Deletion on OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot won't change the size of it.
Modifier and Type
Method and Description
public OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot

Creates a snapshot from this OrderedRealmCollection .

public boolean

This deletes all objects in the collection from the underlying Realm.

public boolean

Deletes the first object from the Realm.

public void
int location

Deletes the object at the given index from the Realm.

public boolean

Deletes the last object from the Realm.

public boolean
public boolean

Checks if a collection has finished loading its data yet.

public boolean
load ()

Blocks the collection until all data are available.

public int
size ()

Returns the number of elements in this query result.

java.lang.String[] fieldNames,
io.realm.Sort[] sortOrders

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot .

String fieldName1,
Sort sortOrder1,
String fieldName2,
Sort sortOrder2

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot .

String fieldName,
Sort sortOrder

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot .

String fieldName

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot .

public RealmQuery
  • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object : getClass , hashCode , equals , clone , toString , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait , finalize

  • Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection : iterator , size , isEmpty , contains , toArray , toArray , add , remove , containsAll , addAll , removeAll , retainAll , clear , toString

  • Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractList : add , get , set , add , remove , indexOf , lastIndexOf , clear , addAll , iterator , listIterator , listIterator , subList , equals , hashCode , removeRange

  • Methods inherited from class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionImpl: isValid , isManaged , contains , get , first , first , last , last , deleteFromRealm , deleteAllFromRealm , iterator , listIterator , listIterator , sort , sort , sort , sort , size , min , minDate , max , maxDate , sum , average , remove , remove , removeAll , set , retainAll , deleteLastFromRealm , deleteFirstFromRealm , clear , add , add , addAll , addAll , createSnapshot , getRealm , getCollectionOperator

Creates a snapshot from this OrderedRealmCollection .


the snapshot of this collection.


createSnapshot in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

public boolean deleteAllFromRealm ()

This deletes all objects in the collection from the underlying Realm. All objects in the collection snapshot will become invalid.


true if objects was deleted, false otherwise.



deleteAllFromRealm in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

public boolean deleteFirstFromRealm ()

Deletes the first object from the Realm. The first object will become invalid.


true if an object was deleted, false otherwise.



deleteFirstFromRealm in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

public void deleteFromRealm (
int location

Deletes the object at the given index from the Realm. The object at the given index will become invalid. Just returns if the object is invalid already.


  • location - the array index identifying the object to be removed.



deleteFromRealm in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

public boolean deleteLastFromRealm ()

Deletes the last object from the Realm. The last object will become invalid.


true if an object was deleted, false otherwise.



deleteLastFromRealm in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

public boolean isFrozen ()

public boolean isLoaded ()

Checks if a collection has finished loading its data yet.


true if data has been loaded and is available, false if data is still being loaded.

public boolean load ()

Blocks the collection until all data are available.


true if the data could be successfully loaded, false otherwise.

public int size ()

Returns the number of elements in this query result.


the number of elements in this query result.


size in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

java.lang.String[] fieldNames,
io.realm.Sort[] sortOrders

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot . Use 'sort()' on the original OrderedRealmCollection instead.


a new sorted RealmResults will be created and returned. The original collection stays unchanged.



sort in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

String fieldName1,
Sort sortOrder1,
String fieldName2,
Sort sortOrder2

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot . Use 'sort()' on the original OrderedRealmCollection instead.


a new sorted RealmResults will be created and returned. The original collection stays unchanged.



sort in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

String fieldName,
Sort sortOrder

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot . Use 'sort()' on the original OrderedRealmCollection instead.


a new sorted RealmResults will be created and returned. The original collection stays unchanged.



sort in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

String fieldName

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot . Use 'sort()' on the original OrderedRealmCollection instead.


a new sorted RealmResults will be created and returned. The original collection stays unchanged.



sort in class OrderedRealmCollectionImpl

public RealmQuery where ()

Not supported by OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot . Use 'where()' on the original OrderedRealmCollection instead.


a RealmQuery object.

